02 8908 4468

The Inman Aligner is a removable device suited to crowding of the teeth. It is a common solution for adults who have previously had Orthodontic treatment. 

Are Inman Aligners For Me?

Inman Aligners are mostly suited to over-crowding orthodontic cases. These cases are less complex than a standard orthodontic case and require a shorter treatment period. During a consultation with our Dentists we can review your case and give you the best information so that you can make an informed decision. 

Advantages Of Inman Aligners

  • Removable

  • Short treatment period of 6 to 16 weeks.

  • Only one aligner is needed

  • Available to teens and adults

What Orthodontic Cases Are Best Suited To Inman Aligners?

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After an initial assessment by our dentists, we look at specific factors that will determine the best possible orthodontic treatment for you.

Determining Factors:

  • Alignment of the bite

  • Crowding of the teeth

  • Patient reasons; Aesthetics, Budget, Maintenance

How Much Do Inman Aligners Cost?

Price starts from $3,500 and range up to $4,500 depending on your individual case. Factors affecting cost includes difficulty of the orthodontic case, time required for treatment and the finish you choose.

Payment plans available.

Recent Before & After Pictures

Inman Aligner FAQ

How long is treatment and what does it involve?

Because Inman Aligners are used to treat minor crowding of the upper or lower teeth, treatment time is short. 6 to 16 weeks is the standard time frame for treatment. Visits to see our Dentist are more frequent than most other Orthodontic treatments however. Patients must maintain scheduled appointments every two weeks for adjustments to the aligner.

Is it true that Inman Aligners affect speech?

Yes. However, total treatent time is short and most patients adjust to this within 1 to 3 weeks.

How often do you have to wear and Inman Aligner?

20 hours per day. It is paramount to the success of a patient's treatment that the aligner is worn at least 20 hours per day. An Inman Aligner should only be removed when eating, cleaning teeth and momentarily on special occasions, such as having your picture taken. Patients will also need to wear the aligner while sleeping.

Do I need a retainer after my Inman Aligner Orthodontic treatment?

Yes. All orthodontic treatment requires the long-term use of a retainer post-orthodontic treatment.


Our Advantage

We are experienced dentists with a fresh approach to dentistry. We understand that finding the right doctor to entrust with orthodontic treatment can be a difficult one. Our team puts our years of extensive experience and love for taking care of people in to creating a positive experience for all of our patients.


Experienced Doctors

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Modern Practice

Happy Patients

Payment Plans



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